बैंकों में आज से बदले जाएंगे पुराने नोट,कल से खुलेंगे एटीएम

नई दिल्ली: 500 और 1000 रुपए के पुराने नोट बंद होने के बाद से आज बैंकों और ग्राहकों दोनो के लिए बड़ा अहम दिन हैं. पुराने नोट बदलने के लिए बैंक पहुंचने वाले लोगों को कम से कम दिक्कत हो इसके लिए बैंकों की तरफ से बड़ी तैयारी की गई है. सबसे बड़ी चिंता इस बात की है बैंकों में कैश की कमी न पड़े इसका इंतजाम करने के लिए हर बैंक में एक नोडल ऑफिसर नियुक्त कर दिया गया है.
जानिए कि आज बैंकों ने आपके लिए क्या क्या इंतजाम किए हैं और बैंक जाने पर आपको किन बातों का ध्यान रखना है.
ये पहले ही बताया जा चुका है कि एक दिन में सिर्फ 4000 रुपए के नोट ही बदले जाएंगे
लेकिन अगर आप इससे ज्यादा राशि के पुराने नोट बैंक में जमा करना चाहते हैं तो उस पर कोई रोक नहीं है
आप अपने साथ अपना कोई पहचान पत्र रखना न भूलें
इसके अलावा बैंक में पुराने नोट देकर नए नोट लेने के लिए एक फॉर्म भरना होगा.
लोगों की सुविधा के लिए बैंकों की तरफ से कई और बड़े कदम उठाए गए हैं.
– इस हफ्ते सभी बैंक शनिवार और रविवार को भी खुले रहेंगे
– SBI की सभी शाखाएं आज शाम 6 बजे तक खुली रहेंगी
– SBI ने नोट बदलने के लिए सभी शाखाओं में अलग से काउंटर बनाने का एलान भी किया है
– इसी तरह ICICI बैंक 10 और 11 नवंबर को सुबह 8 बजे से शाम के 8 बजे तक खुला रहेगा
– ग्राहकों की बड़ी संख्या को देखते हुए ICICI में भी अतिरिक्त कैश काउंटर खोले जाएंगे
– ICICI और एक्सिस बैंक के ATM में 31 दिसंबर तक एक महीने में 5 से ज्यादा ट्रांजेक्शन बिना किसी फी के किए जा सकेंगे.
साथ ही आज से ही बैंक में 500 और 2000 के नए नोट मिलना भी शुरू हो जाएंगे.
जाहिर है आज बैंकों में भारी भीड़ हो सकती है. अगर आप इस भीड़ से बचना चाहते हैं और आपको पैसों की जरूरत है तो आप एक दिन का इंतजार और करें क्योंकि कल से आप एटीएम से भी पैसे निकाल सकेंगे.
हालांकि एटीएम से अभी एक कार्ड से एक दिन में सिर्फ 2000 रुपए ही निकाले जा सकेंगे, लेकिन बैंकों की तरफ से इस बात की पूरी तैयारी की जा रही है कि कल से किसी भी हाल में एटीएम में पैसा खत्म न होने पाए.
एटीएम के अलावा लोग पहले की तरह बैंक से सीधे भी पैसा निकाल सकते हैं.
पहले की ही तरह है चेक बुक या विड्रॉल स्लिप से बैंक से सीधे पैसा निकाला जा सकता है
हालांकि इसके लिए अभी 10 हजार रुपए प्रतिदिन और एक हफ्ते में 20 हजार रुपए की सीमा तय की गई है, जिसे आगे बढ़ा दिया जाएगा.
वहीं पुराने नोट जमा करने के लिए बैंकों की कैश डिपॉजिट मशीन का भी इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं
सरकार की तरफ से बार बार लोगों को ये भरोसा दिया जा रहा है कि वो अपने घर में रखे पुराने नोटों को लेकर परेशान न हों क्योंकि अगले 50 दिनों तक बिना किसी परेशानी के ये सारे नोट बैंक में जमा किए जा सकते हैं.

FULL SPEECH: Rs 500, Rs 1,000 notes declared illegal from midnight: PM Modi

FULL SPEECH: Rs 500, Rs 1,000 notes declared illegal from midnight, says PM Modi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is addressing the nation after he reviewed the security situation with Chiefs of Army, Navy and Vice Chief of Air Force amid continuing Pakistani shelling along the border in Jammu and Kashmir


Rs. 2000 denomination notes to be introduced, says PM. On November 9, all banks will remain closed for public work. There will be no change in any other form of currency exchange be it cheque, DD, payment via credit or debit cards etc: PM Narendra Modi. On November 9 and in some places November 10, ATMs will not work. Respite for people for the initial 72 hours, Govt hospitals will accept old Rs 500 and 1000 notes till 11 November midnight. You have 50 days (From 10 Nov to 30 Dec) to deposit notes of Rs 500 & Rs 1000 in any Bank or Post office: PM. From Midnight Nov 8, 2016 today, Rs500 and Rs1000 notes are no longer legal tender. Corruption, fake currency and terrorism are festering wounds, holding back the economy, says PM.

WASHINGTON : Broadband Providers Will Need Permission to Collect Private Data

Data from the habits of wireless and home broadband customers are subject to new regulations.
Data from the habits of wireless and home broadband customers are subject to new regulations.

WASHINGTON — Federal officials approved broad new privacy rules on Thursday that prevent companies like AT&T and Comcast from collecting and giving out digital information about individuals — such as the websites they visited and the apps they used — in a move that creates landmark protections for internet users.

By a 3-to-2 vote, the Federal Communications Commission clearly took the side of consumers. The new rules require broadband providers to obtain permission from subscribers to gather and give out data on their web browsing, app use, location and financial information. Currently, broadband providers can track users unless those individuals tell them to stop.

It was the first time the F.C.C. has passed such online protections. The agency made privacy rules for phones and cable television in the past, but high-speed internet providers, including AT&T and Verizon Communications, were not held to any privacy restrictions, even though those behemoth companies have arguably one of the most expansive views of the habits of web users.

The passage of the rules deal a blow to telecommunications and cable companies like AT&T and Comcast, which rely on such user data to serve sophisticated targeted advertising. The fallout may affect AT&T’s $85.4 billion bid for Time Warner, which was announced last week, because one of the stated ambitions of the blockbuster deal was to combine resources to move more forcefully into targeted advertising.

“There is a basic truth: It is the consumer’s information,” Tom Wheeler, the chairman of the F.C.C., said of the necessity of protecting internet users who want more control over how companies treat their private information. “It is not the information of the network the consumer hires to deliver that information.”

Privacy groups applauded the new rules, which they said brought the United States more in line with European nations that have moved aggressively to protect their citizens’ online privacy.

“For the first time, the public will be guaranteed that when they use broadband to connect to the internet, whether on a mobile device or personal computer, they will have the ability to decide whether and how much of their information can be gathered,” said Jeffrey Chester, executive director of the Center for Digital Democracy.

The outcry from industries that depend on online user data was also swift. Cable lobbying groups called the rules a result of “regulatory opportunism,” while the Association of National Advertisers labeled the regulations “unprecedented, misguided, counterproductive, and potentially extremely harmful.”

Even with the new rules, online privacy remains tricky. Many people have been lackadaisical about what information they give up online when they register for websites or digital services. The convenience of free services like maps also appeals to people, even though they give companies access to personal information. And some people unknowingly forgo their privacy when allowing apps or other services to track their location or follow their browsing across websites.

The F.C.C. rules also have their limits. Online ad juggernauts, including Google, Facebook and other web companies, are not subject to the new regulations. The F.C.C. does not have jurisdiction over web companies. Those companies are instead required to follow general consumer protection rules enforced by the Federal Trade Commission. That means Google does not have to explicitly ask people permission first to gather web browsing habits, for example.

AT&T, Verizon and Comcast will also still be able to gather consumers’ digital data, though not as easily as before. The F.C.C. rules apply only to their broadband businesses. That would mean data from the habits of AT&T’s wireless and home broadband customers would be subject to the regulations, but not data about AT&T’s DirecTV users or users of the HBO Now app, which would come with the merger with Time

Warner, for example.

The companies also have other ways to collect information about people, including the purchase of data from brokers.

AT&T, which has criticized the privacy regulations for internet service providers, would not comment on how the rules would affect its proposed purchase of Time Warner. But it emphasized the benefits of ads that allow for free and cheaper web services.

“At the end of the day, consumers desire services which shift costs away from them and toward advertisers,” said Robert W. Quinn Jr., AT&T’s senior executive vice president for external and legislative affairs. “We will look at the specifics of today’s action, but it would appear on its face to inhibit that shift of lower costs for consumers by imposing a different set of rules on” internet service providers.

Comcast said that the rules were not needed and that the F.C.C. did not prove that broadband providers were hurting consumers.

For over two decades, internet service providers “and all other internet companies have operated under the F.T.C.’s privacy regime and, during that time, the internet thrived; consumer privacy was protected,” said David L. Cohen, Comcast’s senior executive vice president.

Major broadband providers will have about one year to make the changes required by the new rules; the companies must notify users of their new privacy options in ways like email or dialogue boxes on websites. After the rules are in effect, broadband providers will immediately stop collecting what the F.C.C. deems sensitive data, including Social Security numbers and health data, unless a customer gives permission.

The new rules are among a set of last-ditch moves by Mr. Wheeler to make the F.C.C. a stronger watchdog over the broadband industry. Since he was appointed F.C.C. chairman in 2013, he has tried to open the cable box market in an effort to promote streaming videos, among other actions. Mr. Wheeler is entering what are probably the last few months of his tenure at the agency, as he is not expected to be reappointed by whoever becomes the next president.

The F.C.C. proposed the broadband privacy rules in March. That followed the reclassification of broadband last year into a utilitylike service, a move that required broadband to have privacy rules similar to those imposed on phone companies.

Once the rules were proposed, the F.C.C. immediately faced a backlash. Cable and telecom companies created a lobbying group called the 21st Century Privacy Coalition to fight off the regulations. The group is led by Washington heavyweights like Jon Leibowitz, the former chairman of the F.T.C., and former Representative Mary Bono Mack, Republican of California. Henry A. Waxman, former chairman of the House Energy & Commerce Committee and a Democrat, was also hired by the 21st Century Privacy Coalition and wrote an op-ed article in The Hill to protest the rules.

Even some web companies protested the proposed rules. Google said in comments filed to the F.C.C. this month that the regulations should not include web browsing, because that does not necessarily include sensitive personal information.

“Consumers benefit from responsible online advertising, individualized content, and product improvements based on browsing information,” wrote Austin Schlick, Google’s director of communications law.

In the end, the objections had little effect on the F.C.C.

“Hopefully, this is the end of what has been the race to the bottom for online privacy, and hopefully the beginning of a race to the top,” said Harold Feld, senior vice president at Public Knowledge, a nonprofit public interest group.

Source : NYTiimes

Sensex Trades On Flat Note; ICICI Bank, TCS Among Laggards 28/10/2016

ICICI Bank, Bharti Airtel, Infosys, HDFC Bank and Larsen & Toubro were also among the laggards in Nifty. 

12:45 p.m.: ICICI Bank remians the top loser in Nifty, down 2 per cent to Rs. 278. Cipla Eicher Motors, Bharti Airtel, ITC, Infosys, TCS, HDFC Bank and HDFC were also among the laggards.

12:30 p.m.: Ashok Leyland was the top gainer from the mid-cap space, up 6 per cent at Rs. 90. Shriram City Union Finance, Glenmark, Bajaj Finserv, NALCO, Emami, Sun TV and Exide Industries were also among the gainers.

12:21 p.m.:JSW Steel shares advanced as much as 2.8 per cent to Rs. 1,683 after company reported a multi-fold jump in consolidated net profit at Rs. 726.46 crore for the quarter ended on September 30, 2016.

11:52 a.m.: Tata group stocks on Friday bounced back after three days of continuous decline, rising up to 5.6 per cent, on value-buying at a lower level.

Tata Motors jumped 2.89 per cent, Tata Steel rose 1.81 per cent and Tata Power gained 1.75 per cent on BSE.

11:33 a.m.: Metal stocks were witnessing good buying interest. The BSE Metals index was up 1.8 per cent; NMDC, NALCO, JSW Steel, Vedanta, Tata Steel, SAIL and Hindalco were among the gainers.

11:13 a.m.: The overall market breadth was positive as 1,535 stocks were advancing while 655 were declining.

10:54 a.m.: Shares of Tech Mahindra surged as much as 7.2 per cent to hit intraday high of Rs. 444 after the IT company reported better-than-expected earnings in the second quarter of current financial year.

Tech Mahindra reported a 17.5 per cent fall in consolidated net profit at Rs. 643.4 crore for the fiscal second quarter that ended on September 30, 2016, but said it looks to grow despite some macroeconomic challenges.

10:43 a.m.: The stock markets recovered from intraday low levels on the back of buying in metal and auto shares. Sensex was up 59 points at 27,975 and Nifty was at 8,645, up 29 points.

10:08 a.m.: Sensex and Nifty came off the intraday low levels on the back of heavyweights like Tata Motors, Maruti Suzuki and Sun Pharma.

The Sensex was down 21 points at 27,895 and Nifty was at 8,618, up 3 points.

Most of the Tata Group shares rebounded in trades today after declining for three days. Tata Metaliks was the top gainer among the Tata Group shares, up 5.3 per cent. Tata Teleservices, Tata Elxsi, Tata Communications, Tata Motors and Tata Chemicals were also among the gainers.

9:34 a.m.: Sensex fell over 100 points and Nifty moved below its crucial psychological level of 8,600 on the back of selling pressure in select IT and banking shares.

As of 9:19 a.m., the Sensex traded 78 points lower at 27,837 and Nifty was down 20 points at 8,595.

From the Nifty basket of shares, 30 were declining while 21 were advancing.

ICICI Bank was the top Nifty loser, down 1.85 per cent at Rs. 279. Asian Paints, Bharti Infratel, GAIL India, Power Grid, HDFC, Bharti Airtel, TCS, Ambuja Cements, ACC, Infosys, HDFC Bank, Wipro, Larsen & Toubro and ITC were also among the laggards in Nifty.

On the other hand, Tech Mahindra was among the top Nifty gainers, up 6.2 per cent at Rs. 440 after the company post market hours reported stronger-than-expected September quarter earnings. Tech Mahindra's net profit declined 17.5 per cent to Rs. 643.4 crore. Meanwhile, its dollar revenue grew 4 per cent during the quarter against expectation of 1.3 per cent.

Tata Motors, Tata Steel, Bajaj Auto, Hero MotoCorp, BHEL, Zee Entertainment and Maruti Suzuki were also among the gainers.

The broader markets were outperforming the benchmark indices. The BSE mid-cap and small-cap indices were up 0.3 per cent each.

8:43 a.m.: Sensex and Nifty are set to open on a weak note in trades today tracking losses in Nifty futures traded on the Singapore Exchange.

Nifty futures traded on Singapore Exchange also known as the SGX Nifty was down 0.51 per cent or 44 points at 8,605.

Meanwhile, other Asian share markets were also trading on a subdued note. Hong Kong's Hang Seng was down 0.14 per cent, South Korea's KOSPI declined 0.11 per cent and China's Shanghai Composite was up 0.1 per cent.

Overnight, US stocks dipped in a choppy session after the latest round of earnings reports, as a decline in the consumer discretionary sector and interest-rate sensitive stocks outweighed gains in healthcare names.

The Dow Jones industrial average fell 29.65 points, or 0.16 per cent, to 18,169.68, the S&P 500 lost 6.39 points, or 0.3 per cent, to 2,133.04 and the Nasdaq Composite dropped 34.29 points, or 0.65 per cent, to 5,215.97.

Back home, foreign institutional investors sold shares worth Rs. 470 crore while domestic institutional investors bought shares worth Rs. 856 crore on Thursday.

Stocks In Focus

Bajaj Auto: The company will report its September quarter numbers later in the day. Analysts polled by NDTV Profit expect the company to post net profit of Rs. 1,025 crore on sales of Rs. 6,109 crore. Its operating profit or EBITDA is expected to come in at Rs. 1,252 crore compared with 1,317 crore during the same quarter last year.

Eicher Motors: Analysts expect Eicher Motors to report net profit of Rs. 393 crore on sales of Rs. 1,777 crore.

Vedanta Ltd: The mining conglomerate promoted by Anil Agarwal will also report its September quarter numbers later in the day. Analysts expect Vedanta to report net profit of Rs. 1,106 crore on sales of Rs. 15,741 crore. EBITDA or operating profit is expected to come in at Rs. 4,139 crore compared with Rs. 3,493 crore during the previous quarter.

Bharat Financial Inclusion: Formerly known as SKS Microfinancce is expected to report net profit of Rs. 144 crore on net interest income of Rs. 214 crore.

Tech Mahindra: The IT company on Thursday reported strong set of September quarter earnings. Its net profit came in at Rs. 644.7 crore on sales of Rs. 7,167 crore. During the quarter, Tech Mahindra reported strong revenue growth as its dollar revenues grew at 4 per cent against expectation of 1.3 per cent.

United Spirits: The liquor maker reported September quarter earnings post market hours on Thursday. The company reported net profit of Rs. 82.5 crore on sales of Rs. 2,037 crore. Overall margins for United Spirits were flat during the quarter.

Cyrus Mistry Still Chairman Of Some Companies, Tatas Hope He Will Quit

Cyrus Mistry alleged irregularities at Tata Sons after his sudden removal as Chairman by the board.
Cyrus Mistry alleged irregularities at Tata Sons after his sudden removal as Chairman by the board.

Mumbai:  Cyrus Mistry, sacked as Chairman of Tata Sons, the holding company of the $103 billion group, continues to serve as chairman of several group companies even as he engages in a bitter public spat with the Tatas.

Sources said the Tatas hope Mr Mistry will resign from the companies on "moral grounds," after he made what the group has called "unsubstantiated claims and malicious allegations" against it in a blistering five-page email sent to board members that became public.

The group meanwhile is keen to signal that it is business as usual at the country's biggest conglomerate. Tata Steel held a conference call with market analysts yesterday and made clear that changes in the top leadership will not result in any change in strategy or impact plans for the company's European steel business.

Tata Steel has also announced a tie-up with a Canadian iron ore mine as it tries to sooth nerves on the stock markets, where the company's shares have seen a major fall since Mr Mistry's removal was announced.

Analysts say investors don't have much to worry about, but the current situation with Cyrus Mistry continuing to serve as Chairman in some companies can be tricky.

"Because of the way things have happened, a lot of it was undesired and that has rankled many investors. Hopefully these are things that will not turn ugly from here and the spat will end sooner than later," K Subramanyam, Co-Head, Equity Advisory, Altamount Capital said to NDTV.

VK Sharma, Head of Business, Private Client Group, HDFC Securities, who is an investor in Tata Teleservices, said Mr Mistry should step down on his own. "It is going to slow down decision-making so I think it would be proper for Mr Mistry to step down as chairman from these companies."

Cyrus Mistry, 48, remains the chairman of Tata Steel, Tata Motors, Tata Consultancy Services, Indian Hotels, Tata Global Beverages Limited, Tata Chemicals, Tata Industries and Tata Teleservices. He also continues to be a director of Tata Sons and could by law only be removed by shareholders after being given due warning. His family's Shapoorji Pallonji Group, a construction major, owns nearly a fifth of Tata Sons.

On Wednesday, Mr Mistry spent about six hours in Bombay House, the Tata Headquarters in Mumbai, and also chaired a TGBL board meeting. Ratan Tata, who will lead the group till a replacement is found for Mr Mistry, was not at Bombay House when the latter was there.

Cyrus Mistry's email accuses the company of failures of governance that he said had destroyed billions of dollars in shareholder value. He has also alleged inappropriate interference by Ratan Tata, the 78-year-old patriarch who hired him and has come out of retirement to run the business in a caretaker role.

Tata, in an eight-paragraph statement on Thursday, dismissed Mr Mistry's claims.

"The correspondence makes unsubstantiated claims and malicious allegations," Tata Sons said in the statement emailed to reporters a day after Mr Mistry's letter was leaked to the press. "These will be responded to in an appropriate manner," the company said without elaborating, raising the prospect that the war of words could lead to a legal battle.

Source : NDTV

Sensex Falls Over 100 Points, Tata Group Shares Extend Losses

Tata Motors DVR was the top loser in Nifty down 3.7 per cent followed by Tata Motors, Tata Power and Tata Steel, which were down between 2-3.5 per cent each.  
10:02 a.m.: Selling pressure visible across most of the sectors. Banking, IT, capital goods, auto, metal and power stocks among the worst hit in trades so far.

9.50 a.m.: Buying in pharma and ITC provided some support to the markets, the Sensex was down 70 points at 27,754 and the Nifty traded 32 points lower at 8,579. ITC was the top gainer in Nifty up 2 per cent followed by Dr Reddy's Lab, Sun Pharma, Aurobindo Pharma, which were up 0.5-1.2 per cent respectively.

9.40 a.m.: The six companies from which the exchanges have sought clarification are under selling pressure. Indian Hotels slumped 8 per cent, Tata Teleservices plungesd7 per cent, Tata Communications, Tata Power, Tata Motors are down between 2-4 per cent. 

9.35 a.m.: ITC was the top gainer in the Nifty, up nearly 1 per cent. UBS has maintained its "buy" rating on ITC for a target price of Rs. 320, which indicates potential upside of 34 per cent from Wednesday's closing price of Rs. 238.75.

9.15 a.m.: Sensex fell over 100 points tracking subdued trading across Asian shares while the Nifty50 index fell below the 8,600 mark. Tata group shares extended fall after the BSE and NSE have asked six listed Tata companies for a clarification, after sacked Chairman Cyrus Mistry wrote to board members warning that the group faces a writedown of about $18 billion on these companies.

Tata Motors DVR was the top loser in Nifty down 3.7 per cent followed by Tata Motors, Tata Power and Tata Steel, which were down between 2-3.5 per cent each.

Apple Partnering With Mukesh Ambani's Reliance Jio, Says Tim Cook

Apple CEO Tim Cook confirmed a partnership with Reliance Jio over its 4G network.
Apple CEO Tim Cook confirmed a partnership with Reliance Jio over its 4G network.

New York:  Citing Reliance Jio's roll-out of 4G coverage in India, Apple CEO Tim Cook has said his company "couldn't be more excited" about the enormous investments being made in high-speed telecom networks, even as he conceded that Apple smartphone has "not done as well" in the country.

"Looking ahead, we're seeing some very exciting developments in India. Reliance Jio is rolling out a first of its kind all-IP network in India with 4G coverage in 18,000 cities and 200,000 villages across the country," Mr Cook said in the company's fourth quarter earnings call on Tuesday.

Mr Cook said Apple is partnering with Reliance Jio, which is offering a free year of service to purchasers of new iPhones, to ensure "great iPhone performance" on their network.

"Our iPhone sales in India were up over 50 per cent in fiscal 2016 compared to the prior year, and we believe we're just beginning to scratch the surface of this large and growing market opportunity," Mr Cook said.

He, however, noted that Apple's smartphone has "not done as well" in India in general and one of the key reasons for that is the "(high-speed telecom networks) infrastructure hasn't been there".

"But this year or this year and next year, there are enormous investments going in on 4G and we couldn't be more excited about that because it really takes a great network working with iPhone to produce that great experience for people," Mr Cook said.

"And so I see a lot of the factors moving in the right direction there," Mr Cook said.

The Apple chief also sounded an optimistic note on the efforts being made by the Narendra Modi-led government to create jobs and develop infrastructure.

"I also think the government is much more focused on the infrastructure and on creating jobs, which is fantastic, because you really need the kind of infrastructure and the technology to do that," he said.

When asked whether India could in future be as big of an opportunity as China for Apple, Mr Cook said it is important to look not only at per capita income in India but also the number of people that are or will move into the middle class over the next decade. He also emphasized that India's "very, very young population" holds tremendous advantages.

"Will it be as big as China? I think it's clear that the population of India will exceed China sometime in probably the next decade or so, maybe less than that. I think it will take longer for the GDP to rival it, but that's not critical for us to have a great success there," he said.

Mr Cook said what is important for Apple in India is that there are going to be a lot of people in the middle class who will "really want a smartphone, and I think we can compete well for some percentage of those".

"And given our starting point, even though we've been growing a lot, there is a lot of headroom there in our mind, and so we are working very hard to realise that opportunity," he said.